What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

When I stumbled upon the phrase “What got you here, won’t get you there,” during a recent podcast, it struck a chord with me. It not only resonated with my personal journey but also with the struggles I’ve observed among my clients.

Marshall Goldsmith has penned a well-written book with the same title, focusing more on corporate ladder climbing. However, my intention here isn’t to review his book but to offer my own humble insights on navigating life and business.

When I reflect on my career, I am happy to acknowledge my own success and the actions that kept me on the trajectory I had dreamed of. What propelled me forward at every juncture was embracing the notion that resting on my laurels wouldn’t foster growth. Perhaps it had much to do with the field I chose. Marketing changes constantly. I understood that what worked before, may not work again. I needed to continue to grow and adapt.

Early in my career, I distinctly remember a comment from a supervisor that left a lasting impression on me. I was a graphic designer at a giftware company in Cincinnati, where the work environment was a mix of fun and toxicity. He was a young supervisor–not much older than myself at the time–and he boldly declared he had no need for further learning, believing he had obtained all necessary knowledge for success. Even then, at just 25, I knew this mindset was flawed. His words stuck with me through the years and I vowed I would never have this mindset.

In my business I get the privilege of helping owners and marketers expand their businesses. My goal is to support them in achieving a level of success they didn’t know was possible all while getting greater personal satisfaction out of the experiences. It has been exciting to watch this happen for so many of them.

Achieving next-level success requires acknowledging that past accomplishments may not suffice for future goals. Maintaining receptivity to new possibilities is paramount, albeit demanding effort and thought.

A positive mindset is the cornerstone of growth. I’ve experienced a profound shift in mindset since starting my business and I’ve helped others do the same. Positivity coupled with resilience is essential. It’s natural to encounter fear and doubt, but allowing these emotions to linger only impedes progress.

I recall an e-commerce client aiming to elevate their business beyond six figures in revenue and expand geographically. In strategy meetings, the owner often dismissed ideas, driven by fear of change. Adapting to a changing world is imperative for business survival.

A positive mindset isn’t about overlooking challenges; it’s about embracing growth opportunities. Our minds can either hinder or unleash our potential—I’ve witnessed this firsthand.

While celebrating successes big and small is crucial, it’s equally vital to recognize that what brought us here won’t necessarily take us where we want to go. Let’s embrace growth with determination and resilience.

If you are feeling ready for growth and are tired of running into the same problems, I would be happy to send you a series of emails that is a mini course in Mindset over Marketing.

Thanks for reading.

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